Monday, April 28, 2014

HS - LS4.C (D) - Environmental Influences on Adaptation - ASSIGNED (AM 4/28/2014)

DCI: LS4.C (D) Changes in the physical environment, whether naturally occurring or human induced, have thus contributed to the expansion of some species, the emergence of new distinct species as populations diverge under different conditions, and the decline - and sometimes the extinction - of some species.

PE: HS-LS4-6 Create or revise a simulation to test a solution to mitigate adverse impacts of human activity on biodiversity.

[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on designing solutions for a proposed problem related to threatened or endangered species, or to genetic variation of organisms for multiple species.]

The ideas are: 
- changes to the physical environment can be naturally occurring or human induced
- changes to the environment can result in the expansion of some species
- changes to the environment can result in the emergence of new, distinct species
- changes to the environment can result in the decline of some species
- changes to the environment can result in the extinction of some species

We will probably need to pull more from the DCI on this batch, as it will be very difficult to have students create or revise a simulation.  We can, though, describe a solution that was designed to mitigate loss of biodiversity, and ask students what kind of data to collect to assess the merits of that solution, or we can provide data about four separate solutions and ask which was best. 

Possible Question Ideas
-describe a change to the environment, which of the following is likely to occur
- I pulled this from a middle school batch on biodiversity.  This won't work exactly as previously written, but may provide an idea. 

The chart below lists data on four different projects designed to restore a wetlands habitat destroyed by human activity and a recent hurricane.
Anticipated cost
(millions of dollars)
% of Wildlife to Benefit
Community Support
13 - 16
15 - 25
25 - 30
50 - 75
12 - 17
70 - 80
18 - 25
75 - 80

The project that will be chosen will have to be low in cost, benefit the greatest number of species, and be popular with the local citizens whose taxes will sponsor it. Based on the data and the criteria given, which project will be chosen?

Here's another one from a middle school batch... 
Human activity can destroy coral reefs. Because so many organisms depend on the coral, this can have a negative effect on the ecosystem in shallow ocean waters. Which of the following solutions will most likely offer the best way for humans to repair the damage and improve the health of this ecosystem?

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