Monday, April 7, 2014

HS - PS4.A (A) - Properties of Waves - FINAL (WND 4/7/2014)

Module: Properties of Waves
DCI: PS4.A (A) The wavelength and frequency of a wave are related to one another by the speed of travel of the wave, which depends on the type of wave and the medium through which it is passing.

PE: HS-PS4-1 Use mathematical representations to support a claim regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media.

[Clarification Statement: Examples of data could include electromagnetic radiation traveling in a vacuum and glass, sound waves traveling through air and water, and seismic waves traveling through the Earth.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to algebraic relationships and describing those relationships qualitatively.]

The ideas are: 
- wavelength and frequency of a wave are related to each other by the speed of the wave
- the speed of the wave depends on the type of wave and the medium it is passing through

Students need only to describe, qualitatively, the relationship between wavelength, frequency, and speed of a wave.  What we can do is provide data about the speed of waves traveling through various media and then ask students to make a qualitative assumption about one of the other wave characteristics.  We can also ask a general question or two about the properties of waves.  

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