Thursday, March 13, 2014

2 - LS4.D - Diversity of Living Things - ASSIGNED (WND 3/12/2014)

Module: Diversity of Living Things
DCI: LS4.D Biodiversity and Humans – There are many different kinds of living things in any area, and they exist in different places on land and in water.

PE: 2-LS4-1 Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.

 [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the diversity of living things in each of a variety of different habitats.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include specific animal and plant names in specific habitats.]

The ideas in this standard are: 
- there are many different kinds of living things in an area
- living things exist in different places in land and in water

We can probably getting away with asking one very basic biodiversity question.  Aside from that, we will have to provide info on plants and animals from a variety of habitats and either get to one of two points. 1 - plants and animals that live in different areas are different from each other or 2 - areas where plants and animals live are different from each other.  We can do this by discussing characteristics of the living things, or characteristics of the environment.   

It will be too much of a stretch to provide information on the environment and ask kids to tell us what kinds of characteristics plants and animals would have to have to live there.

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