Monday, March 17, 2014

3 - ESS3.B - Processes and Impacts of Natural Hazards

ESS3.B: Natural Hazards- A variety of natural hazards result from natural processes. Humans cannot eliminate natural hazards but can take steps to reduce their impacts.

3-ESS3-1- Make a claim about the merit of a design solution that reduces the impacts of a weather-related hazard.

[Clarification Statement: Examples of design solutions to weather-related hazards could include barriers to prevent flooding, wind resistant roofs, and lightning rods.]

The ideas here are: 
- natural hazards result from natural processes
- humans cannot eliminate these hazards but can take steps to reduce their impact

There's not much content here, so the bulk of the assessment will come from the PE.  We will have to come up with ways to have kids determine whether or not a 'design solution' is efficient. 

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