Monday, December 23, 2013

HS - LS1.C Photosynthesis - FINAL (ACM 1/30/2014)

DCI: LS1.C (A) The process of photosynthesis converts light energy to stored chemical energy by converting carbon dioxide plus water into sugars plus released oxygen.

 PE: HS-LS1-5 Use a model to illustrate how photosynthesis transforms light energy into stored chemical energy.

[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on illustrating inputs and outputs of matter and the transfer and transformation of energy in photosynthesis by plants and other photosynthesizing organisms. Examples of models could include diagrams, chemical equations, and conceptual models.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include specific biochemical steps.]

This one is pretty straight forward.  The ideas in the content standard are - 

- light energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis
- the inputs of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water
- the outputs of photosynthesis are sugars and released oxygen 

For our five questions, we can ask a couple of strict content questions about input/output or transformation of energy.  Note, we do not need to ask about specifics of these processes (where they take place, light/dark reactions, etc.). 

For the PE - again, we need to stick to input/output and energy transformation, but we can add the chemical equation and other diagrams as needed.  

Possible Question Starters

"Which of the following best summarizes the energy transformation that takes place during photosynthesis?"
correct answer - light energy is converted into chemical energy
incorrect answer - chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy, etc. 

"An incomplete diagram of the process of photosynthesis is provided. 

What is the missing component that correctly replaces the question mark to complete the diagram?"

correct answer - water
incorrect answer - soil nutrients, etc

"A test tube is filled with water and a green plant called elodea. When the plant is exposed to sunlight, it begins to produce bubbles. Which of the following is the most likely conclusion for the identity of the gas in the bubbles?"

correct answer - oxygen
incorrect answer - carbon dioxide, etc. 

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