Friday, December 13, 2013

K - ESS2 Measurement of Weather - FINAL (CJT 12-13-13)

Module: Measurement of Weather
DCI: ESS2.D(A) Weather and Climate – People measure these conditions (sunlight, wind, snow or rain, and temperature) to describe and record the weather and to notice patterns over time.
PE: K-ESS2-1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time.

This DCI is the second half of a larger DCI in the original NGSS standards. In the original, the definition of weather (with the list of conditions in the parentheses above) made up the first part and the second part was what we see here. 

What we see here has two components. First, kids have to know that humans measure weather conditions. Second, they have to know that humans can see patterns over time.

It seems that we can include as appropriate content here the following.

Weather = conditions

Humans measure those conditions.

Repeated observations show patterns

For the Process Skill part of the standard, we need to have kids use observations to describe patterns.

Possible Question Starters:
[image of clear cups of water w/ lines]
Students put a cup outside and looked at it every day. What are they measuring?

[image of thermometer]
A thermometer can tell us if the day is -
(hot or cold)

One way to know the weather is to look at -
wind blowing (seeds growing) etc.

[thermometers with decreasing temperatures]
how did the weather change?

[days of data with only one constant]
The weather this week was mostly -

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