Friday, December 13, 2013

K - LS1 Animal needs - FINAL (CJT 12-13-13)

DCI: LS1.C (A) Organizations for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms – All animals need food in order to live and grow. They obtain their food from plants or from other animals.

PE: K-LS1-1 Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.

For the stated content, there seems to be a pretty short list.

- Animals need food to live and grow
- Animals, for their food, eat plants and other animals

For the implied content, there is an undeclared list of "what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive." What this might be for kindergartners is not certain. Maybe the following.

- Plants need light
- Both plant and animals need water

Other ideas might be a little shaky.
- We might want to say that plants need soil, but so many kids have grown a bean on a paper towel or some other "soil-less" environment that this is not a good idea.
- Lots of elementary teacher like to teach that shelter is a basic need, but so many organisms survive without shelter, that this seems like a pretty human-centric idea.

Possible Question Starters:

- Animals (or a specific animal), to live and grow needs -

- For food, some animals eat -

- What do all plants need to live and grow? (water or sunlight)

- What do both plants and animals need to live and grow? (water)

-We could have a pattern question in the form of an analogy (cow is to grass as...)

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