Monday, February 24, 2014

HS - LS2.D - Animal Behavior - ASSIGNED (AuMy 2/24/2014)

Module: Animal Behavior
DCI: LS2.D Group behavior has evolved because membership can increase the changes of survival for individuals and their genetic relatives.

PE: HS-LS2-8 Evaluate the evidence for the role of group behavior on individual and species’ chances to survive and reproduce.

[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on: (1) distinguishing between group and individual behavior, (2) identifying evidence supporting the outcomes of group behavior, and (3) developing logical and reasonable arguments based on evidence. Examples of group behaviors could include flocking, schooling, herding, and cooperative behaviors such as hunting, migrating, and swarming.]

- Belonging to a group provides advantages because it can increase chances of survival for individuals and their relatives. 

We will have to concentrate on the PE, which means we will have to provide some sort of evidence (changes to population, etc) and relate them to how group behavior provided an advantage.  

This is the only module aligned to this PE, so the clarification statement gives us a better picture of how this might look.  We can ask one question about the first thing in the clarification statement, and two from the other two parts. 

I found a couple of cool resources that talk about social behavior, which we might be able to derive questions from.

Possible Question Starters:
"Which of the following would provide the best evidence that belonging to a social structure provides advantages to a population of organisms?"
correct answer - Prairie dogs with kin or offspring nearby will more frequently alarm others to the presence of a predator than those who do not. 

"When a family group of zebras is attacked, it forms a semi-circle, turns to face the predator and watches, ready to bite the predator if the attack continues.  When one member of the group is injured, the others will surround it and keep it from being further attacked. This provides evidence for which of the following?"
correct answer - belonging to a group provides zebras with the advantage of being more likely to survive an attack from a predator

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