Thursday, January 16, 2014

4 - PS4 - Information technologies - FINAL (CJT 1/16/14)

Module: Information Technologies
DCI: PS4.C Information Technologies and Instrumentation – Digitized information can be transmitted over long distances without significant degradation. High-tech devices, such as computers or cell phones, can receive and decode information – convert it from digitized form to voice and vice versa.
DCI: ETS1.C – Different solutions need to be tested in order to determine which of them best solves the problem, given the criteria and the constraints.

PE: 4-PS4-3 Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information.

No Clarification Statements

The content in this standard is as follows

- We can digitize information
- We can send digitized information over long distances
- Computers and cell phones turn digital information back into the original form

So the engineering/PE aspect is focused more on designing ways to transmit digital information and making decisions about better ways of doing this.

Possible Questions:

- Cell phones turn a voice into a digital signal and transmit it to another cell phone. In order for the person receiving the signal to get the original message, their cell phone must have the ability to do what?

- We could provide a data table on how letters could be represented with 1's an 0's and then ask how long a string we need to represent all the letters.

- Perhaps a question about the placement of cell phone towers constrained by a park or something. 

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