Thursday, January 9, 2014

HS - LS1.A (C) - System Interactions - FINAL (AuMy 1/15/2014)

Module: System Interactions
DCI: LS1.A (C) Multicellular organisms have a hierarchical structural organization, in which any one system is made up of numerous parts and is itself a component of the next level.

 PE: HS-LS1-2 Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.

[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on functions at the organism system level such as nutrient uptake, water delivery, and organism movement in response to neural stimuli. An example of an interacting system could be an artery depending on the proper function of elastic tissue and smooth muscle to regulate and deliver the proper amount of blood within the circulatory system.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include interactions and functions at the molecular or chemical reaction level.]

The ideas we see in this standard are: 
- multicellular organisms are organized with a hierarchical structure
- each system in a multicellular organism is made up of components
- each system in a multicellular organism is itself a component of some other level 

It is helpful to note that the clarification statement tells us we can only focus our attention on interactions which function on the organism level, rather than interactions happening at the atomic or chemical level.  So, we can look at systems (nervous, muscular) which work together to achieve a function.  But, we can also ask about how the systems are organized, and how the parts of the system work together to achieve a function of the overall system.  This is similar to a middle school standard which had a similar focus. 

Possible Question Starters:
"Which of the following provides the best example of the two systems in a multicellular organism working together to achieve a specific function?"

correct answer - an artery depending on the proper function of elastic tissue and smooth muscle to regulate and deliver the proper amount of blood to the body

incorrect answer - the breaking down of large molecules into smaller molecules by acids and enzymes released in the stomach and small intestine 

"Which of the following correctly describes one part of the hierarchical structure of the organization of living things?"
correct answer - organ systems are made up of various organs
incorrect answer - cells are made up of various organ systems

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