Friday, January 3, 2014

HS - PS3 - Electromagnetic interactions - FINAL (CJT 1-3-14)

Module: Electromagnetic Interactions
DCI: PS3.C When two objects interacting through a field change relative position, the energy stored in the field is changed.
PE: HS-PS3-5 Develop and use a model of two objects interacting through electric or magnetic fields to illustrate the forces between objects and the changes in energy of the objects due to the interaction.

No Clarification Statements

So I was not sure what was meant by the standard. I found this, written by a guy who, apparently, knows his stuff.

Forces are the interactions between two or more objects.  Electric and magnetic forces can act over a distance (the objects do not have to be in contact) – one model to explain how these objects can interact without being in contact is by using the idea of electric and magnetic fields.  Students do not need to be able to do advanced calculations with fields but should be able to use fields to draw or describe the interactions between objects that are not in contact.  Even though more than two objects can interact, students will only be assessed on the interactions between two objects at a time – this is a place to differentiate: more advanced students can work on interactions of multiple objects but this is not needed to prepare all students for the assessment.
Fields can also be used to explain changes in potential energy between two interacting objects.  For example, two objects with mass are attracted – this can be exampled using a gravitational field (different from electric and magnetic, but related – used here as an example not something students need to know for these performance expectations).  In order to move objects with mass apart, you would have to do work.  This work means the system has more energy after the objects are moved apart.  However, where is that energy?  Often we talk as if it is associated with one of the objects (ex. “If I hold this tennis ball up high it has more gravitational potential energy); however this is not really accurate.  If the Earth were not part of the tennis ball system, there would not be an increase in gravitational potential energy.  The energy is due to the interaction between the Earth and the tennis ball thus it is more complete to think of the energy as being stored in the field between the two objects.  Similarly, if you had two charged objects one way to describe the interactions between those two objects is by using the idea of electric fields.  If the two objects have opposite charges, they would be attracted and there would be less energy associated with the field if the objects are close together.  Work would be needed to separate the objects, meaning more energy is “stored” in the field when the charged objects are farther apart.  However, this is all reversed if the objects have the same charge (objects would repel, so work would be needed to move the objects together, lower energy would be associated with the system when the objects are farther apart – this reversal depending on the relative charge of the two objects is a potential source of assessment questions to see how well students understand and can apply ideas versus memorizing arbitrary rules).

The other form energy can take is kinetic energy – or energy of motion.  This motion could be the motion of objects as they move through the field to a lower energy or more stable relationship.  The motion could also be at the submicroscopic scale as the movement/vibrations of atoms and molecules.   This atomic level movement accounts for thermal energy.   The total amount of energy must always remain constant, but it can be transferred between different systems or transformed between different forms (ex. potential energy associated with the field between two charged objects -> movement of those objects). 

Now all of that is a little much, and focused a lot on gravity, as opposed to magnetic and electric fields, but he goes on to say the following.

Students will need to develop a definition of forces that is based on the interaction of two objects.  This interaction between objects may be observed as a change in motion or distortion of the shape of the object (cause and effect).  

- Electric and magnetic forces can be attractive or repulsive: attractive if the two objects have opposite “charges” (electric) or “poles” (magnetic); repulsive if the two objects are the same.
- Electrostatic forces and magnetic forces can cause a change in motion even if the two objects are not in contact with each other (forces that act over a distance).
- Electric and magnetic fields can explain how objects can interaction without being in contact.  
- Electric and magnetic fields surround charged objects (electric) and magnetic objects, as other charged/magnetic objects move through the field, changes in motion are observed AND the field is altered.
- Energy can be associated with motion (kinetic) or stored (potential).  Since two objects that are interacting could cause a change in the motion of those two objects, there is potential energy stored in the system.  One way to think of this is thinking of the energy as being stored in the field.
- As objects move through the field the energy will be transformed between kinetic energy and potential energy stored in the field.
- All the above ideas/models have to match our observations/data collected.  If data does not match a model, the model should be revised or replaced.  It is okay to start with multiple possible models/ideas – as more information is gathered, the various ideas can be evaluated and revised.
- Though the terms used may be arbitrary at some level (“positive charge”, “north pole”) the ideas should be consistent with evidence and allow us to explain observations and make predictions about future tests.

Possible Question Starters:
An electric field will most likely surround an object that has -
correct answer = charge

If two objects are interacting in a magnetic field, changing the relative positions of the objects will result in which of the following?
correct answer = energy stored in the field

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